Massage Classes
General Classes
I incorporate a variety of modalities in my massage. Typically a first session begins with the abdomen as I help to ease any restrictions and adhesions that might be present. Then I teach you how to perform a specific and incredible technique that is yours to keep in your tool bag for your personal self care. This amazing and gentle communication with your deeper self enables your tissues to become hydrated and free, and this is communicated to every fiber of your being.
I then turn to your head and do cranial sacral work to free tensions within the skull and brain and to open you up to receive the messages from your abdomen. If there is enough time, I address the spine and sacrum to free up any nerve involvement that might be causing pain, discomfort or poor communication to your organs.
Initial visits include discussing your intake form and a follow up email after the massage providing you with guidance and suggestions for your comfort.
Follow up visits allow you to journey deeper into your healing. This work addresses the body on all levels - the physical, emotional and spiritual.