Massage Therapy
Massage Classes
- Abdominal Massage CEUS for Body Workers
- Body Listenining in 3D: Envisioning What and How We Touch
- Body Parts: Visceral Anatomy CEU's for Body Workers
General Classes
- Monthly Body Parts
- Belly Massage for Optimizing Health
- Woman: Her Cycle and Connection to Gaia
- Mother/Daughter Class: Exploring the Female Experience
Stalking Wild Louisiana: Edible and Medicinal Plants in Abita Springs, November 21/22nd, 2015 Cost $125 per person; $225 per couple
Come join Master Herbalist Darryl Patton for an adventure into the world of edible and medicinal plants.
We will spend the weekend foraging and learning how to identify wild plants which can be utilized as food and medicines. You will be participating in learning how to gather and prepare a variety of wild foods. Everyone will go home with salves, liniments and tinctures they have made. Also, you will learn:
The Herbal Medicine Chest: herbal equivalents ot prescription mediciations, emergency dental issues, toothpowders, gum disease prevention.
How to make activated charcoal and other necessities "at home"
Water purification without modern ingredients
How to prepare wild edible plants: acorn flour, yellow dock seed, pine pollen, cattails and a host of other wild foods.
October 25-26, 2014 at Blue Boy Herbs, Carrierre, Mississippi
Another Wondrous Exploration and Journeying into the World of Herbs
with two renowned herbalists
Mississippi community herbalist, Darrell Martin and visiting Michigan community herbalist, jim mcdonald
An interactive and sensual exploration of herbs
with delicious home cooked lunches
and entertainment at The New Talavana's Annual Cow Festival just a couple of doors down on Saturday evening: A irtan performance by Grammy winner Karnamrita Dasi, The Mayapuris and AZitiZ
Plenty of camping space available. Shower facility on site.
Blue Boy Healing Center, 10060 Road 263, Carriere, MS 39426
Phone: 1-601-798-2186 E-mail: blue.boy@datastar.net
Website: blueboyherbs.com