Massage Therapy
Massage Classes
- Abdominal Massage CEUS for Body Workers
- Body Listenining in 3D: Envisioning What and How We Touch
- Body Parts: Visceral Anatomy CEU's for Body Workers
General Classes
- Monthly Body Parts
- Belly Massage for Optimizing Health
- Woman: Her Cycle and Connection to Gaia
- Mother/Daughter Class: Exploring the Female Experience
Saturday and Sunday, February 1st & 2nd 2020 (11am-6pm) Body Listening in 3D: Envisioning What and How We Touch 12 Louisiana CEUS for massage therapists regenerationsprings.comThis will build on the last class I taught on 5 of the horizontal diaphragms of the body, found in the occiput, thoracic inlet, respiratory, pelvic and foot, and how opening them can allow the flow of vital fluids and energy, lymph, blood, nerve and chi, through the body, although the previous class is not a prerequisite. This will include diagnostics and techniques for a full body assessment. Limited to 8. Cost $300Location: Regeneration Springs, 23198 Brook Forest Road, Abita Springs, LA 70420 985-893-4456 If you have questions, call or email! regenerationsprings@gmail.com
Body Listening in 3D: Envisioning What and How We Touch
A series of 6 hour classes designed for massage therapists to explore the depth of informed massage touch.
These classes will explore the anatomy of what lies under the skin and how it effects the physiology of the human body.
Focus will be on various body segments to understand how to go beyond surface touch when massaging.
These body segments will include the cranium, neck, spine, thorax, abdomen, sacrum, legs and arms.
3 hours of discussion will be followed by 3 hours of hands on.
OCTOBER 6-7, 2018 12 noon - 6 PM 12 CEU's $300
There are many diaphragms (from ancient Greek word diaphragma which means partition) in the body arranged in a series of horizontal diaphragms supported by vertical structures that separate the cavities of the body.
The diaphragms consist of layers of connective tissues and fibrous or myofascial fascia that act as tension/counter tension sheets and control the fluids of the entire body (the human body is composed of 70% water). It is important that these diaphragms are all in balance so the body is healthy.
Connecting these horizontal diaphragms are myofascial planes/cables which run longitudinally through the body at the junctions.
This series of classes focuses on these separate diaphragms and their longitudinal connections. The first class focused on the cranium.
We will explore how to release tensional restrictions as we visualize and draw connections from the surface of the skin to the fascia, muscles, nerves, bones, sutures, organs, circulation and lymph that lie underneath so that you can locate them though touch. I will combine techniques from craniosacral, visceral, nerve, brain and lymph classes that I have taken (see curriculum vitae) into a comprehensive protocol that teaches technique, but most importantly, a basis of understanding the depth of the effects of touch.
Attention will be drawn to the location and function of the circulatory, lymphatic, immune system, and nervous systems within, as well as the benefits that are received by the whole organism through informed touch. With informed touch, tensional release can be effectively facilitated on all the systems of flow throughout the body.
Included in this class is the important aspect of touch ethics: how to respect, connect, and receive permission for touching the body. This includes discussion of the emotional body.
January 14 , 2017
9 AM - 4 PM $150.00
6 Louisiana Massage CEU's #LCEU0001570
The 2nd class in the series (may be taken out of order) will be part II of the cranium, going deeper into the cranium to study the nerves, glands and brain, and how to ensure a good flow and communication between the cranium and the spine.
November 12, 2016
9 AM - 4 PM $150.00
6 Louisiana Massage CEU's #LCEU0001570
The first class will be on the Cranium. We will explore how to release tensional restrictions as we visualize and draw connections from the surface of the skin to the fascia, muscles, nerves, bones, sutures, organs, circulation and lymph that lie underneath so that you can locate them though touch. I will combine techniques from craniosacral, visceral, nerve, brain and lymph classes that I have taken (see curriculum vitae) into a comprehensive protocol that teaches technique, but most importantly, a basis of understanding the depth of the effects of touch.
Attention will be drawn to the location and function of the circulatory, lymphatic, immune system, and nervous systems within, as well as the benefits that are received by the whole organism through informed touch. With informed touch, tensional release can be effectively facilitated on all the systems of flow throughout the body.
Included in this class is the important aspect of touch ethics: how to respect, connect, and receive permission for touching the body. This includes discussion of the emotional body.