Signs and Symptoms
General symptoms include:
- varicose veins of the legs
- tired, weak or numb legs and feet especially when standing still
- sore heels when walking
- low backache
- frequent urination
- bladder infections or cystitis
- lack of sexual desire
- constipation
- hemorrhoids
- indigestion
- arthritis
- migraines
- acute and chronic pain
- fibromyalgia
- depression
- anxiety and other emotional mood imbalances
- bad breath and irritableness.
Specific congestion symptoms for females include:
- painful periods
- late, early or irregular periods
- dark, thick blood at onset and/or at end of menstruation
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- headache or migraine with menstruation
- dizziness with menstruation
- failure to ovulate regularly
- painful ovulation
- uterine fibroids, endometriosis and uterine polyps
- PMS/depression
- uterine infections
- yeast infections
- vaginitis
- blood clots during menstruation
- chronic miscarriages
- premature deliveries
- difficult pregnancy or delivery
- weak newborns
- difficulty getting pregnant
- fertility concerns
- painful intercourse
- difficult menopause
- dry vagina with or without menopause
- pelvic inflammation.
Specific congestion symptoms for males include:
- erectile dysfunction
- congested prostate
- chronic low back pain
- leaky bladder
A Bee and a Rose, Abita Springs, 2006