Endometritis is an inflammation with a possible infection due to waste materials that are blocked from leaving due to misaligned uterus. Along with abdominal massage, a cleansing diet of fruit for breakfast, raw garden salad with a protein for lunch, steamed veges with either white or sweet potatoes for dinner is needed. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
False unicorn root, blue cohosh, squaw vine, motherwort, or Female Tonic taken 10 days before menses and stopped during the period will help reduce inflammation. Nine fresh springs of rue leaves can be squeezed into a ½ cup of hot water, strained and taken 3x daily before meals, or if dry, a tablespoon steeped in a cup of hot water for 20 minutes 10 days prior to menstruation (some people have allergic reactions to rue, use instead 9 12” branches of motherwort boiled in 3 cups of water for ten minutes and steeped for 10, strained and drink 1 cup before each meal 10 days prior to menstruation.) Do vaginal steam baths of basil, oregano, and mortherwort or marigold flowers and leaves for 20 minutes and then go to bed to rest for at least an hour, 5-10 days before menses is expected, no more than 3 times per moon cycle.
Yoga and light, regular stretching are also recommended.
It is possible that when the uterus must serverely cramp during menstruation to get out the waste products in a toxic environment, the lining is forced back into the fallopian tubes, then off it goes into general circulation. If circulation of the lymph, arteries, veins and nerves in the pelvic area is faulty, then the immune system can’t recognize the invading tissue. First, reposition uterus and allow nature time to act on the pathology; properly align the entire spinal column and address all muscle spasms that are cutting off the arterial blood flow so the human body can gradually dissolve it. Menses will possibly show bits and pieces of dislodged endometrial tissue that looks like raw meat – do not be alarmed.
A good diet should be eaten, with particular omission of foods with xeno-estrogens. Take false unicorn root, blue cohosh, squaw vine, motherwort, or Female Tonic 10 days before menses and stop during the period. Nine fresh springs of rue leaves can be squeezed into a ½ cup of hot water, strained and taken 3x daily before meals, or if dry, a tablespoon steeped in a cup of hot water for 20 minutes 10 days prior to menstruation (some people have allergic reactions to rue, use instead 9 12” branches of motherwort boiled in 3 cups of water for ten minutes and steeped for 10, strained and drink 1 cup before each meal 10 days prior to menstruation.) Do vaginal steam baths of basil, oregano, and motherwort or marigold flowers and leaves for 20 minutes and then go to bed to rest for at least an hour, 5-10 days before menses is expected, no more than 3 times per moon cycle.
Yoga and light, regular stretching are also recommended.
Uterine Polyps
Uterine polyps are benign tumor-like masses on a mucous membrane. Uterine massage and vaginal steam baths are essential, as well as adopting a good diet with particular omission of foods with xeno-estrogens (meats, dairy). Take either Rain Forest Remedies Female Formula, vitex or motherwort (or both) 10 days before menses and stop during the period.
If not allergic to rue, squeeze nine fresh springs of rue leaves into a ½ cup of hot water, strain and take 3x daily before meals 10 days prior to menstruation ( or if dry, a tablespoon steeped in a cup of hot water for 20 minutes). If allergic, then 9 12” branches of motherwort boiled in 3 cups of water for ten minutes and steeped for ten minutes and then strained. Drink 1 cup before each meal 10 days prior to menstruation.
Vaginal steam baths consisting of basil, oregano, and motherwort or marigold flowers and leaves for 20 minutes and followed by bed rest for at least an hour, no more than 3 times in a moon cycle 5-10 days before menses is expected. Directions: Take a large double handful or about a quart of the fresh herbs mentioned to boil in a large pot that holds about 2 gallons of water. If herbs are dried, use a single large handful. Boil the herbs in the water for 20 minutes and remove from heat.
Place the steaming pot of herbs on the floor and sit over the pot on a chair with holes or slates (or you can place the bowl in your toilet and sit over, being careful not to burn yourself). Remove clothes from the waist down with a large towel or sheet wrapped around your legs and waist to hold in the heat. Remain on the chair absorbing the herbal stream into your vagina for 20 minutes. If it burns, let the herbs cool off and retry. Afterward, be careful not to expose yourself to cold drafts or sleep in a room with the air conditioning on. Keep warm, go directly to bed and wrap up warmly for an hour. This will strengthen the treatment and allow your body to process the healing effects of the vaginal steam bath. This should be done about seven days before the menstruation is to begin and may be repeated every month until improvement is realized.
Yoga and light, regular stretching and castor oil packs are also helpful.
Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are benign growths of the uterine wall composed of connective and errant muscle tissue. Follow the same recommendations as uterine polyps, but sometimes Hortence's Formula is also recommended, as well as taking the herb vitex.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.